I am too young?
www.facebook.com is Billionaire at 23years old.
I don't have products?
www.eBay.com sells other peoples products and services.
I don't have enough education?
www.mac.com founder Steve Jobs is a college drop out.
I don't have confidence?
www.microsoft.com founder Bill Gates is a nerd and a geek.
All you need:
Mentors - 10% Business Skills
Network - 90% People Skills
Mentors and Network is what you need to become billionaires. I found mine in CA2020 Core Team.
CA2020 Vision: 1,000 Pinoy Billionaires by 2020.
CA2020 Mission: Spread Financial Education Throughout the Nation and the world.
Begin your journey in becoming a COre Team by attending our community gatherings:
Wealth Course
Online Wealth Course
Cashflow Gatherings
Wellness Business Gatherings
Millionaire Mind Gatherings
Contact the person who invited you to CA2020.net for details of our community gatherings and to reserve your seats. If no one invited you text your name, age & occupation to 0908.1111.870
Posted via email from Entrepreneur Coach