That made me realize several things or ask myself the following searching questions:
1)Even missionaries (dedicated to service) also have weaknesses.
2)I wondered how often I was like that? How often did I complain about doing something for someone else?
3)Why do we, as people do that?
Since "hearing" or being made aware of that human behavior, every CSP I had, I would listen to other missionaries' conversations about their attitude or feeling about the service we were extending. You see, we had different CSPs every week. What it was depended on the people's needs. We did things from cleaning grounds, pulling grass, sweeping markets, painting sidewalks, to making outhouses (lavatories), building homes, making "pawid" (roofing materials made from coconut or palm leaves)
After a while, I started listening to everyone's (not just missionaries) conversations about service and have come up with these insights....
SELFISH SERVICE - Service that one offers another or extends to others only up to where he/she is comfortable doing.
Example: Extending help to the poor only from the comforts of my home or car or office. Going with them and getting dirty with them is a no no.
SELFLESS SERVICE - Service that one offers another or extends to others without regard to his/her comfort or personal interest.
Example: No greater example than the Savior allowing Himself to be scorned, beaten, humiliated, and killed...because of his love for us.
I strive not to judge others when it comes to service and attitude to service, but I feel really terrible when I see myself extending Selfish Service, and feel deep gratitude and sense of accomplishment during moments when I remember to extend Selfless Service or what I like to call (Christlike Service)
My challenge is:
1)Listen to your conversation and other people's conversation about service.
2)The next time someone asks for help...listen to your internal conversation. Is it reflecting "Selfish or Selfless" Service?
3)Take note of your feelings after your next "service". That would be a pretty accurate indicator whether your feeling about the service you extended was Selfish or Selfless.
(Don't be offended by your self assessment and don't try to justify your feelings. Just observe them and learn about yourself.)
If you find that your service reflected that you were Selfless...CONGRATULATIONS AND KEEP IT UP!!!
If you see yourself having extended selfish service...If you're happy with that then great. But if you are unhappy with that...remember this...
"It is a fact of life that the direction in which you are moving is more important than where you are." UNKNOWN