Monday, November 24, 2008

Selfless or Selfish Service

One day, when we, a group of missionaries, were out doing our weekly Community Service Project (CSP), i overheard one of the missionaries. He said,"I am tired of pulling grass." Another service project which we had, I heard another missionary say, "There is noooo way that I am not going to build an outhouse."

That made me realize several things or ask myself the following searching questions:
1)Even missionaries (dedicated to service) also have weaknesses.
2)I wondered how often I was like that? How often did I complain about doing something for someone else?
3)Why do we, as people do that?

Since "hearing" or being made aware of that human behavior, every CSP I had, I would listen to other missionaries' conversations about their attitude or feeling about the service we were extending. You see, we had different CSPs every week. What it was depended on the people's needs. We did things from cleaning grounds, pulling grass, sweeping markets, painting sidewalks, to making outhouses (lavatories), building homes, making "pawid" (roofing materials made from coconut or palm leaves)

After a while, I started listening to everyone's (not just missionaries) conversations about service and have come up with these insights....


SELFISH SERVICE - Service that one offers another or extends to others only up to where he/she is comfortable doing.

Example: Extending help to the poor only from the comforts of my home or car or office. Going with them and getting dirty with them is a no no.

SELFLESS SERVICE - Service that one offers another or extends to others without regard to his/her comfort or personal interest.

Example: No greater example than the Savior allowing Himself to be scorned, beaten, humiliated, and killed...because of his love for us.

I strive not to judge others when it comes to service and attitude to service, but I feel really terrible when I see myself extending Selfish Service, and feel deep gratitude and sense of accomplishment during moments when I remember to extend Selfless Service or what I like to call (Christlike Service)

My challenge is:

1)Listen to your conversation and other people's conversation about service.
2)The next time someone asks for help...listen to your internal conversation. Is it reflecting "Selfish or Selfless" Service?
3)Take note of your feelings after your next "service". That would be a pretty accurate indicator whether your feeling about the service you extended was Selfish or Selfless.

(Don't be offended by your self assessment and don't try to justify your feelings. Just observe them and learn about yourself.)

If you find that your service reflected that you were Selfless...CONGRATULATIONS AND KEEP IT UP!!!

If you see yourself having extended selfish service...If you're happy with that then great. But if you are unhappy with that...remember this...

"It is a fact of life that the direction in which you are moving is more important than where you are." UNKNOWN

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Greatest Fullfilment in Life

Some people ask me why do I serve people, and why does our Business Community spread financial literacy for FREE? A good question which I haven't ask myself when I join the community. First I join because I want to learn. And as giving back to community on all the things I've learned, I serve them by sharing them what I've got. That is service.

The best way to learn is to teach others. That's what my business mentor always tells me when he teaches me something that most people can't buy. Sometimes, there is this instance when we have a meeting for one hour which I was surprised that the mentoring costs 100,000 Php! It was a surprised and he told me one thing: "Teach this to your business partners so they will know them also". It was kind and sincere, and he teach us through tasking and sharing the same information by serving other people as well. How can you teach if you not have done the same thing? How can you give love if you not love yourself? How can you give something which you do not own? The same way goes on service.

According to Dan Millman, "The greatest fulfillment in life is to serve other people". So I ask my guest sometimes if they have tried to serve other people if the worth of the service is worth 50,000 Php above and they will do it for free? That would be a waste of time for most of us, but for our Business Community, it's a chance for us to learn, to serve, and to give back to the community, what our mentors taught us which money can't buy.. experience.

Willy David Jr
Entrepreneur, Visionary, Money Coach

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What is Important and What Impresses You?

I heard this phrase from a success speech in genting high land in malaysia. it is speech from a person who accumulated US50Million Dolllars or in Pesos 2.5Billion more or less.

I began to ponder on myself what really is this phrase all about. After exchanging thoughts with my wife I slowly began to understand what this phrase means.

Things that is Important to me:
1. My Family (Quality Time with Them)
2. Service to the Nation and Humanity (Contribution and Life Purpose).
3. Living my Desired Lifestyle (Financial Freedom).

Things that Impresses me:
1. What other people will say about me and what I do. (Looking Good)
2. How will I appear or how will other people see me. (Avoiding Looking Bad)
3. Titles,Prestige, Awards, Status Symbols. (Deserveness and Entitlement)

Now my question is what impresses you and what is important to you? Which will be your priority?

If you choose to do things that is Important to you then we invite you to be part of Create Abundance Business Community. Be a part of Team that chooses to work for things that are important to them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Online Wealth Course

Wealth Course is a three module course that is designed to let you become aware of your wealth operating system also known as money blueprints. Once you are aware your wealth operating system then you can understand where it came from and you can disassociate and reprogram them to set to the level of your desired success.

Due to very popular demand from people who are outside metro manila, philippines. We created a system to avail our wealth course online. We designed the program for the participants of the online wealth course to contribute and make a difference to the eradication of malnutrition in the philippines. Please send us an email to for the detailed instructions on how the program works, please put in the subject: ONLINE WEALTH COURSE.

Thank you very much and let us make a difference to our mindsets and to the world.

Create Abundance Team.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Avail our Services, Join our Community.

If you are person who wants to educate yourself and educate others about financial literacy, then you came to the right place. All our Services, Programs, Workshops and Events (except for the Cashflow and Wealth Course) are exclusive to Create Abundance Business Community Members.

So, how can you join? Here are the simple steps:

1. Attend Our Public Events. The Cashflow Workshops and Wealth Courses.

2. Express your intention to join the community to the person who invited you.

3. You will be given a series of test and exercises on how you will handle yourself about real life business situations. You will learn how to face your fears and act in spite of anything.

4. If you pass the tests and exercises, you will be given tasks and responsibilities appropriate for being a new member of the community and it will be based on your natural strengths and abilities.

5. Not everybody can handle our membership requirements. That is why before you apply for membership make sure that you are open minded, coachable and have an intense desire to succeed in life and business.

Welcome to Our Business Community!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

List of Services

Listed below are services offered to the public and exclusive services to our business community members:

1. Cashflow Workshop - Public Event

2. Free Wealth Courses - Public Event

3. Life Entrepreneurship Program

4. Corporate Reinvention Events

5. Speaking Engagements – Academic and Corporate

6. Success Resources – books, audio books and videos

7. Personal Mentoring and Coaching